Lord's Prayer For The Military Wife - Author Unknown

Lord's Prayer for the Military Wife - Author Unknown

Lord, Grant me the greatness of heart to see, the difference in duty and his love for me. Give me the understanding to know, that when duty calls he must go. Give m a task to do each day, to fill the time when he is away, and Lord, when duty is in the field, please protect him and be his shield.

May 17, 2011

Catching up and other fun things Part II

     Here is an update on my New Year's goals, since we are almost half way through the New Year. (Can I tell you I'm happy we have a whole other half to this year!):

  • Return to a healthier lifestyle.
      *snicker, cough, cough* Do I really have to report back on this one?! Oh, alright, here goes...IT DOESN'T! Seriously, I'm a yo-yo with this one. I know it will take time, and I need to allow myself to unlearn and break all the bad habits I've learned/picked up these past 10 years or so. BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!! Don't we all, however, I know just working at it day by day is an improvement to not doing anything. And I have to admit, a couple of weeks ago when I was going through some clothes I was able to put on, zip & button a pair of jeans I couldn't even get up all  the way last year...just don't ask me to breathe!
  • Simplify, by removing, reusing or re purposing.
     This is going sorta...again its a new habit I need to try to learn. I have been better about going through & getting rid of stuff...or at least sacking it up to take to the thrift store or good will. I gave up the idea of doing a garage sale.
  • Increase my sewing skills.
     This one is on hold for the moment.
  • Increase my knitting skills.
     OK, if there is one area I am succeeding in, it is this one. As I noted in my last post I have completed my first big lace project. I have a pair of gloves on the needles for GI Joe, another new knitting technique. I have taught myself several new stitches, well to read & knit the patterns, in an effort to complete a project for a RAL (read-a-long) and swap I signed up for on Ravelry. Another first for me. Also I will be designing my handmade object fo the RAL/swap. I am seriously addicted and loving it. Also I have been working on knitting up some lace weight yellow ribbons for those wonderful women who support me.

     Almost half way through the year and I have had my successes and failures. I have six more months to succeed and as long as I keep moving forward I will succeed.

     In other news, the Diva & Prima Donna are doing great! They just finished the gymnastic team season a couple of weekends ago. They have improved so much over the past few months. Both girls will also be moving up levels on the team. The Diva to level 4 and the Prima Donna to level 3 next month. 

     Over the summer they will be participating in our chruches summer musical and activities...I do not know who is more excited. Them or me! Three hours, two times a week to myself...I'm positively giddy. Do not get me wrong, I love my girls, but when I am with them 24/7, I welcome their activty time that gives me some free time.

    I also have been doing some cleaning at my church on a temporary basis, which I hope will become permanent. It would be perfect. I can take the girls with me, it is part time and will bring in some extra cash. In all honesty, I would be bringing in the same amout I cleared when I worked fulltime, away from my girls 11 - 12 hours a day when GI Joe was deployed last time. After paying childcare, lunches, gas, etc...add the emotional stress of both parents essentially being gone, it wasn't worth it. However, under these circumstances, it would be very much worth it. 

     Finally for a wrap up I'll tell you a bit about a project I am working on for GI Joe. I realize that it's been done before, but I'm pretty excited about doing it. I am going to have some photo's taken for him to have while he's away. Something a little different than the typical family photos. I am going to do something a little more...fun. Think vintage WWII era calender girls type thing.


I know it's a NAVY uniform...but it's still inspiration

May 9, 2011

Catching up and other fun things Part I

     So this is late in coming...yes, I need to work on my scheduling a bit. Would you believe there was a time when I kept track of 3 different schedules and everyone made it to appointments on time and deadlines were met. That was before I had kids though and my husband decided he wanted to be GI Joe. Oh well, its the little things in life that are important.

   GI Joe has mobilized, he's off having fun shooting big guns & blowing up stuff.  He is still stateside for the time being, 

   In February we attended the going away ceremony for the Brigade. It was the first time I had attended one, on his previous overseas deployment the girls were young and we said our good-byes at home. This time the ceremony was held in advance of the Brigade leaving for mobilization stations and the girls are older so we decided to attend. Imagine my surprise the following day while standing in line to check out at Wal-Mart, I glanced at the newspaper and saw GI Joe in a group picture from the ceremony. Very cool.  

Unfortunately, he is not the soldier waving to his family. To be honest, he's up in the right hand corner & kinda blurry. However, it just goes to show how easily we can spot our own in a sea of green.

     We experienced the first major family event we were unable to attend. My sister-in-law was married last month. A beautiful wedding from all I have seen and heard so far. The girls were supposed to be flower girls, but unfortunately with the uncertainty of the Government shut down and how it would effect GI Joe's pay, we ended up having to cancel our trip (we were driving out of state), a couple weeks before. Thankfully, she had a third flower girl so she was not left without one.       

     I also finished my first major lace knitting project. A shawl for said sister-in-law's wedding present.  It took me several months to work on and finish. I did not begin it until after the first of the year and then was only able to knit on it a couple hours a week on average. The first picture is of the shawl still on the needles. The second of the Diva laying next to it as it is blocking and finally, a corner draped over my shoulder to give perspective of design size.

     Through out this time the girls and I have begun to play the "silver lining" game. We try to come up with things that are "good" about GI Joe being gone. So far #1 on the list: eating cereal for dinner! My girls LOVE that and the only time they are allowed to do so is when Dad's not home. There is also the fact that I am able to pick the movies for the Netflix que, we do not have cable. The amount of toilet paper I buy actually lasts until next shopping day, telling you its the little things. The left overs I put in the fridge for my lunch the next day, are still there when I go to eat them.  I can set my schedule according to my plans and be shelfish in not considering him...if I want to stay late at church talking with friends,I won't feel rushed. Finally, I can knit in bed, bwahahahaha. I'll share more as we rock along day by day.

May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead...so why the mixed emotions?

Osama bin Laden is dead.  As I do not have cable or any type of television service, I might not have known about this,well as long as it took me to check my facebook account, had there not been a breaking news banner on the Yahoo homepage. I have to tell you I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

My first reaction: "Why are we not in the streets celebrating the victory this is?" Ya know, the type that will leave us with iconal images of sailors kissing random women. Flags waving, etc. We cut off the head of the snake. Then reality set in. (*WARNING* DO NOT continue to read if you do not want to think about anything but the positive).

While this is a major victory, we must not lose sight of the fact that if he were as good a leader as we all believe him to be, he has other's trained & primed to take his place. We have increased their motivation of vengeance and retaliation, we have given them a martyr.

Do not get me wrong, I wholly support our military and their mission. This needed to be done, the man is evil. However, I am unable to ignore the trepidation I have for our service members overseas. Especially those in Afghanistan and those preparing to go. The realist in me sees an increase in not only attacks but also an a feuling of the fervor of the estimated 36,000 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan , and other Taliban around the world. I am not alone in this assessment, our government feels the same way. Warnings have been issued to all service members overseas for increased awareness and security.

I am not the only wife feeling this way either, over at SpouseBuzz wives are experiencing many of the same emotions and fear for their spouses, friends and loved ones. So we will do what we always do, take a deep breath, process the emotions, thoughts and fears and continue with our lives. To do otherwise would be giving victory to our enemies. I need the peace of God that surpasses all understanding at times like this...His strength is what keeps me going, on my own I would be a nervous wreck of tears going down many dark paths in my mind. "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say on the Lord." Psalm 27:14(NKJ)

*Edit* Is it any surprise that within a week of their leader being killed the Taliban release a two-page report stateing on May 1 they will launch a spring offensive? A day before we as a nation knew bin Laden was dead, they show an need to prove that they are still a very real threat.